
Teaching principals. We firmly believe in:

The Importance of Education from birth to the age of 6


We believe that the teaching of a foreign language can be immensely effective if learning begins during the first stages of the language acquisition process, i.e. at the same time as the child’s native tongue is being learnt, during the stage from birth to the age of 6, while the child still has a realistic chance of becoming fully bilingual.

We work with a firm belief in the importance of education during the first learning stages and are guided by the principle that it is during this stage of development (0-6 years) when one should most actively intervene in order to take full advantage of a child’s incalculable learning potential and establish a solid foundation for whatever he or she learns in the future.

When it comes to learning languages, the sooner you start the better!

The Importance of the Continual Learning Process

Continuity is vital when learning a foreign language.. The greater, the richer in experiences and the more continuous and intense children’s contact with a second language is, the better the outcome, ideally resulting in them becoming bilingual.

Primeros planos18Children that are exposed to a foreign language at preschool age (up to the age of 6) develop a range of abilities with minimal effort – above all, auditory perception, oral comprehension, sentence construction and pronunciation, which will help them throughout their future studies during primary education (ages 6-12), secondary education and further education (ages 12-18) and subsequent higher education. One simply has to find the right methodology to stimulate their natural enthusiasm for language and communication.
